Top of the South News & Events

English Classes to Ease Isolation

English Classes to Ease Isolation

Agri Teach Me co-founder and dairy farmer Lyzanne Du Plessis, of Otahuti, said the lessons were launched as a result of online dairy farming education provider Agri Teach Me asking online language...
September 8, 2024 0 Comments
Support your new staff to avoid milk contamination - Advice for Farmers from FMG

Support your new staff to avoid milk contamination - Advice for Farmers from FMG

You may have new sharemilkers, contract milker or employees on board following this year’s farm change over day. FMG suggests now’s a good time to go over with them how your milking...
August 19, 2024 0 Comments
Opinion : Are we doing rural mental health right?

Opinion : Are we doing rural mental health right?

In my line of work, I see people at their best and worst. It can be challenging and gradual but being a part of the experience of fundamental change within someone suffering from mental health...
March 18, 2024 0 Comments
Safer Farms - Making Good Calls for Kids on Farm

Safer Farms - Making Good Calls for Kids on Farm

Safer Farms recently held an online hui to support and enable farmers to make good calls when it comes to on-farm safety for our children. The recording is now available to view below.
September 28, 2023 0 Comments
Farm Without Harm - Safety Conversatons

Farm Without Harm - Safety Conversatons

September 2023 -  Up Our Game Workshop was on having good safety conversations. A key insight from this session was that health and safety is the outcome of great work. As panelist and...
September 28, 2023 0 Comments
Looking for people to add to your farm team?

Looking for people to add to your farm team?

Federated Farmers want to help you as employers find workers in the agriculture sector, and we've been asked by MSD to help identify farm job vacancies across the country.

September 9, 2023 0 Comments
Need a Contract or Agreement for next season?

Need a Contract or Agreement for next season?

Farm business operations demand sound legal, fit for purpose contracts and agreements. Federated Farmers has developed industry leading documents with the help of experienced farming leaders, real...
December 10, 2022 0 Comments
"Stop & Pop" to check for nests

"Stop & Pop" to check for nests

Blair Shortall from FMG joins Andy Thompson from The Rural Roundup to discuss tractor fires and why farmers should 'Stop & Pop'! FMG tractor advice worth listening to!
November 9, 2022 0 Comments
Southern Field Days - Waimumu (Gore), Southland

Southern Field Days - Waimumu (Gore), Southland

On show over three days is the latest in rural technology, equipment and ideas from around the world and it will be on display right here in Southland. Drawing in increasingly large crowds and...
2/11/2026 8:00 AM - 2/13/2026 4:00 PM 0 Comments

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