Ruapehu-Whanganui Rural Support Trust

Ruapehu-Whanganui Rural Support Trust

Ruapehu-Whanganui Rural Support Trust helps locals in tough times

Rural Support Trusts help rural people overcome challenges which at times may seem overwhelming. Our facilitators are people from your community. We have facilitators based in and around Taumarunui, Ohakune and Whanganui. The help you recieve is independent, confidential, free and is a one on one service.

The Ruapehu/Whanganui Rural Support Trust  is a charitable organisation set up to work with the rural community when times are tough on the farm or in the family. They are also part of a nationwide network of rural support trusts that assist rural individuals and communities during and after extreme weather and other adverse events. The Trust is there to help rural individuals and communities get back on their feet whether it’s from adverse event, biosecurity, or financial, health and wellbeing or animal welfare issues. The Trust is well connected with rural networks, rural professionals, health providers, Civil Defence, local and central Government agencies - making the Trust well placed to help. 

The Trust’s 0800 help line which is overseen by experienced Facilitators will help choose the right person to assist in resolving the challenge at hand. The Trust Facilitators are located throughout the region- they are rural people with local knowledge and experience. The Facilitator will travel to where they are needed, contact is one on one at a place that suits the individual.

Our services are free and confidential.

Email Us

Call Ruapehu-Whanganui Rural Support Trust now on 0800 787 254

then select option 2, then option 2 again

Our People

  • Ali Kydd, Rural Support Coordinator


  • Brian Doughty, Rural Support Trustee / Chair / Facilitator
  • Linda MacKinder, Rural Support Trustee / Facilitator 
  • Lyn Neeson, Rural Support Trustee 
  • Edie Neill, Rural Support Trustee / Facilitator
  • Kirsten Bryant, Rural Support Trustee
  • David Rankin, Rural Support Trustee
New events announced for "Checking-in" rural recovery project in the North Island

New events announced for "Checking-in" rural recovery project in the North Island

Several new ‘Checking-in’ events to support North Island rural communities impacted by last year’s adverse weather events have been announced for 2024.

February 12, 2024 0 Comments
Volcanic Hazards on and around Mt Ruapehu

Volcanic Hazards on and around Mt Ruapehu

If Ruapehu erupts, what are the potential volcanic hazards it would generate, and how far might they travel?

May 16, 2022 0 Comments

Upcoming Local Events

Help and resources available to you...


Coming soon...


0800 4 324 7969

Beef + Lamb NZ
0800 733 466

0508 467 869

NZ Young Farmers
0800 699 346

Federated Farmers
0800 327 646

Dairy Women's Network
0800 396 748

0800 482 463


0800 543 354 or 09 522 2999 or Free text 4357 (HELP)

0800 376 633

0800 726 666

Alcohol Drug Helpline
0800 787 797

Gambling Helpline
0800 654 655

Rural Women New Zealand
0800 256 467

Rural Employee Scheme
0800 694 121

Rural Support Trust NZ


We are a voluntary Charitable Trust and would welcome your donation to help us continue
supporting our Rural Families.

You can make a donation as follows:


Find us on Facebook

With thanks to our Principal Sponsors
Thanks to our Time Out Tour partners