Waikato-Hauraki-Coromandel Rural Support Trust

Waikato-Hauraki-Coromandel Rural Support Trust

The Waikato Hauraki Coromandel Rural Support Trust is a part of a nationwide charitable organisation set up to work with primary producers during challenging times.

Our region spans from South of the Auckland Harbour bridge to Lake Taupo, including the Hauraki and Coromandel regions, encompassing the 11 territorial Council authorities and Waikato Regional Council.

We are able to provide free one-on-one confidential support for farmers and growers at a time and place that suits. If needed, we may facilitate a referral to the right professional help, such as farm management, mentoring or counselling.

The Trust has access to rural networks and professionals, health services and providers, local and central government agencies, and Civil Defence, allowing us to be well placed to assist in times of need.

Our facilitators are located throughout our region. They are rural people with local knowledge who have faced the challenges that rural life brings.

If you are experiencing or are worried about any personal and/or business related pressure, whether it is stresses related to employment, financial, animal welfare, health and wellbeing challenges or during and after extreme weather events our team are available to listen and work alongside you to achieve positive outcome.

You can contact us today on 0800 787 254 or complete the email us form on this page to contact us in confidence.

Email Us

Call Waikato-Hauraki-Coromandel Rural Support Trust now on 0800 787 254

then select option 1, then option 2

Our Trustees

For farmers and growers, by farmers and growers

We know it is tough to reach out and ask for help, especially if you are not quite sure who or what you need.   Our facilitators are fellow farmers and growers and know how tough working in the primary sector can be.   Chris Hillock met with some of our team to ask them the why, what and how of Waikato Hauraki Coromandel Rural Support Trust.   The big message is - if something is worrying you, give us a call.  If we cannot help, we can help point you in the right direction.  Free and confidential support is only a phone call away: 0800 787 254, Option, 1, Option 2.

Huge thanks to Chris for gifting his expertise to help us tell our story.


Crack Open the Chat - Putaruru, Waikato

Crack Open the Chat - Putaruru, Waikato

Join us for a night at The Plaza!   Guest speakers include Sir John Kirwan and Marc Gascoigne.  

4/30/2025 5:30 PM 0 Comments
Empowering New Beginnings

Empowering New Beginnings

In a significant step forward, Waikato Hauraki Coromandel Rural Support secures funding for growth and development aimed at enhancing the resilience and well-being of rural communities. 

March 18, 2025 0 Comments
Surviving the Dry BBQ - Te Rore Hall, Waikato

Surviving the Dry BBQ - Te Rore Hall, Waikato

Take some time out, grab a bit and catch up with other farmers.   Over lunch, you will hear from experts with practical ways to manage through the dry and set up for Autumn and Winter. 

Connect with others, share ideas and take home actionable solutions. 

3/13/2025 11:00 AM 0 Comments
Surviving the Dry BBQ - Kio Kio Hall, Waikato

Surviving the Dry BBQ - Kio Kio Hall, Waikato

Take some time out, grab a bit and catch up with other farmers.   Over lunch, you will hear from experts with practical ways to manage through the dry and set up for Autumn and Winter. 

Connect with others, share ideas and take home actionable solutions. 

3/13/2025 11:00 AM 0 Comments

Upcoming Local Events

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Help and resources available to you...


0800 4 324 7969

Beef + Lamb NZ
0800 733 466

0508 467 869

NZ Young Farmers
0800 699 346

Federated Farmers
0800 327 646

Dairy Women's Network
0800 396 748

0800 482 463


0800 543 354 or 09 522 2999 or Free text 4357 (HELP)

0800 376 633

0800 726 666

Alcohol Drug Helpline
0800 787 797

Gambling Helpline
0800 654 655

Rural Women New Zealand
0800 256 467

Rural Employee Scheme
0800 694 121

Rural Support Trust NZ


We are a voluntary Charitable Trust and would welcome your donation to help us continue
supporting our Rural Families.

You can make a donation to Waikato-Hauraki-Coromandel Rural Support Trust in the following way:

Bank Transfer:
ANZ Bank 06-0317-0805560-01, ref: Donation

Please contact us for a receipt.

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With thanks to our Principal Sponsors
Thanks to our Time Out Tour partners