Te Tai Tokerau News & Events 

Supporting Farmers in Tough Times (FOR RP USE ONLY)
Katrina Thomas
/ Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Supporting Farmers in Tough Times (FOR RP USE ONLY)

A guide for New Zealand rural professionals interacting with farmers on farm, online or over the phone.

This guide will assist RP's in answering the following questions:

  1. How would I know if someone is struggling?
  2.  How do I start the conversation?
  3.  So, what's the issue?
  4.  Should I say something?
  5.  Supporting action
  6.  How can I respond in a supportive way?
  7.  What if someone is suicidal?
  8.  How can Rural Support Trust help?
  9.  What other support is available?

You are welcome to download a copy of the publication.


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