Taranaki Rural Support Trust Facilitator & Dairy Farmer Belinda Price talks to REX (podcast)
Belinda Chats to Dom George from the Rural Exchange (REX) about her personal journey with mental wellbeing
Photo credit: 2021 Fonterra Dairy Women of the Year Winner - supplied by Dary Women's Network
Belinda Price is a sharemilker based in Whanganui. After entering the industry 14 years ago through a sharemilking contract, Belinda and her husband now own a dairy farm in Taranaki and sharemilk 650 cows in Nukumaru, where she is responsible for the day-to-day running, calf-rearing, human resources and administration for their two businesses.
Belinda shares her peronsal struggles with mental wellbeing, giving back via the Rural Support Trust, juggling the farm, kids, school holidays and finsihing off her 2021 Fonterra Dairy Women of the Year scholarship.
Listen to Belinda Price - Sep 22, 2023