Southland Rural Support Trust

Southland Rural Support Trust

Southland Rural Support Trust helps locals in tough times

The Southland Rural Support Trust assists rural individuals and their families to get back on their feet following challenging circumstances such as financial, personal or climatic adverse events.

The Trust is part of a nation-wide network which is linked into local rural networks, as well as Civil Defence, Work and Income, and rural professionals.

The Trust members are local people who have themselves faced the challenges rural life brings. Free and confidential help is available through the Trust's coordinator.

Contact us any time for a confidential chat about you, your business, the weather, your finances, a neighbour, partner, friend, family/whānau, or a farm team member.

Contact is one-on-one at a place that suits you.

Email Us

Call the Southland Rural Support Trust now

on 0800 787 254 (0800 RURAL HELP)




The Southland Rural Support Trust is a registered charitable trust manned by volunteers.

If you would like to support the work of the Trust, donations can be made to the Trust bank account:


Please include your name and the word “Donation” in the reference field. If you require a receipt, please also notify the Coordinator at of your donation.

Our People


  • Simon Hopcroft - Invercargill & Western Southland (Chair)
  • Georgette Wouda - Central Southland (Deputy Chair)
  • Lindsay Wright - Northern Southland
  • Grant Dermody - Invercargill & Southern Southland
  • Julie Clarke - Eastern & Southern Southland
  • Diane Smith - Northern Southland
  • Dean Rabbidge - Southern Southland
  • Anna Irwin - Central Southland
  • Nicky Baker - Western Southland
  • Morgan Smith - Northern Southland
The Big Wet - Dealing with the endless Southland Wet!

The Big Wet - Dealing with the endless Southland Wet!

October 18, 2024 0 Comments
Extra Government support for farmers and growers in Southland and parts of Otago.

Extra Government support for farmers and growers in Southland and parts of Otago.

Agriculture Minister Todd McClay MP, and Rural Communities Minister
October 4, 2024 0 Comments
FMG Your Farm of the Year Grand Final - Invercargill, Southland

FMG Your Farm of the Year Grand Final - Invercargill, Southland

SEASON 57... Let's gooo! 
Block out your calendar, plan your trip, and get ready to head to the deep south!

7/3/2025 7:00 AM - 7/5/2025 12:00 PM 0 Comments
Southern Field Days - Waimumu (Gore), Southland

Southern Field Days - Waimumu (Gore), Southland

On show over three days is the latest in rural technology, equipment and ideas from around the world and it will be on display right here in Southland.
Drawing in increasingly large crowds and exhibitors, Southern Field Days should be in your diary: 11th to the 13th of Feb 2026

2/11/2026 8:00 AM - 2/13/2026 4:00 PM 0 Comments

Upcoming Local Events

Help and resources available to you...


0800 4 324 7969

Beef + Lamb NZ
0800 733 466

0508 467 869

NZ Young Farmers
0800 699 346

Federated Farmers
0800 327 646

Dairy Women's Network
0800 396 748

0800 482 463


0800 543 354 or 09 522 2999 or Free text 4357 (HELP)

0800 376 633

0800 726 666

Alcohol Drug Helpline
0800 787 797

Gambling Helpline
0800 654 655

Rural Women New Zealand
0800 256 467

Rural Employee Scheme
0800 694 121

Rural Support Trust NZ


The Southland Rural Support Trust is a registered charitable trust manned by volunteers.

If you would like to support the work of the Trust, donations can be made to the Trust bank account:


Please include your name and the word “Donation” in the reference field. If you require a receipt, please also notify the Coordinator at of your donation.

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With thanks to our Principal Sponsors
Thanks to our Time Out Tour partners