Eradication is unlikely to be an option if a highly contagious strain of bird flu reaches New Zealand and establishes itself in wild birds, the Ministry for Primary Industries’ chief...
The Ministry for Primary Industries has advised they will have a greater focus on the transport of pregnant stock this season, specifically when stock give birth in the stock truck or in the stock...
Effective prevention and treatment of flystrike and lice involves a multi-pronged approach. This booklet aims to provide you with the detail you need to:
a) Understand the pests’...
The insect pest, fall armyworm has been reported in the North and South Islands, and with further spread likely, knowing how to identify and manage this pest can do a lot to help protect our...
This time of the year is a great time to think about how you could improve your investments into your 'Wellbeing Bank Account' for 2023.
The Remote Users Scheme allows eligible households and communities in the most remote areas - where broadband is not currently available and there is only access to voice calling and...
With 4.5 hours between checking in and disembarking, keeping your dogs safe and comfortable requires planning and appropriate carrying facilities - especially on a hot sunny...
Fonterra and the Rural Support Trust announced a three year partnership to improve access to wellbeing and resilience services for farming families who are doing it tough. The first priority...
With there being so much talk about Foot and Mouth in the media Federated Farmers wanted to update everyone alongside MPI on what is happening.
Watch the recorded webinar for more...
Foot-and-mouth disease has reached the tourist hot spot of Bali, and the risk of it entering NZ on the footprint of an unwary traveller or by other means, is now a little too close for comfort....
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious and infectious viral disease that affects cloven-hooved (two-toed) animals such as cows, sheep, goats and pigs. It is an animal health disease...
Heavy Snow - DairyNZ
Checklist to help you reduce the impact of heavy snow conditions on farm