Southland News & Events

Te Ara Kōhungahunga | Early Childhood - Online Learning (The Correspondence School)
Katrina Thomas

Te Ara Kōhungahunga | Early Childhood - Online Learning (The Correspondence School)

Te Ara Kōhungahunga (Early Childhood) Te Kura offers a free, individualised programme for ākonga (learners) aged two to six years old.

Kaiako (teachers) work in partnership with you and your whānau to create individual programmes of learning for ākonga, using the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki– He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa, and our local curriculum Te Ara Pounamu. All our kaiako are trained and registered.

Their main goal is to enable all tamariki and their whānau to access quality early childhood education regardless of location or circumstance. Our programme is fully Ministry of Education funded and therefore free to whānau. Through Te Ara Kōhungahunga tamariki receive an individualised programme of learning including online kōwae ako – learning stories, regular communication with kaiako, packs of physical resources, access to two libraries (postage paid), and in many cases IT equipment and money to help fund connectivity. Enrolments are always open and there are spaces available at the moment on Te Ara Kōhungahunga ECE programme.

For more information check out the Te Ara Kōhungahunga Video

Who is eligible for our programme?

  • Tamariki who live more than 6 km from a licensed ECE centre
  • Tamariki may attend a licensed early childhood service such as kindergarten, playcentre or private centre for a maximum of 12 hours per week and still be eligible for our programme.
  • Itinerant families with young tamariki travelling. 
  • Tamariki with learning support needs who are unable to access a ECE service. 
  • Tamariki with high health needs, or a tamaiti /child who has a sibling or caregiver with high health needs preventing their attendance at a licensed or chartered early childhood service.
  • Special circumstances which prevent attendance at an early childhood service
  • If you do not meet these criteria, you can apply to your local Ministry of Education office.

In addition to the above criteria parents can enrol tamariki into our ECE programme if they are unable to attend an ECE centre locally because demand exceeds the places available in their area, until a place becomes available locally.


Telephone Te Kura on 0800 65 99 88 and ask for the ECE Team if they want to find out more information about the programme, or enrolments if whānau wish to enrol their children directly. Their ECE kaiako/teacher team is organised regionally and other colleagues may be the ones to respond to families depending on their location.



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