Taranaki Rural Support Trust

Taranaki Rural Support Trust

Our Vision:

Resilient, Prosperous, Healthy Taranaki Rural Communities

Our Mission is to:

Assist Taranaki rural people restore their livelihoods in the wake of adversity

The Rural Support Team are rural people with local knowledge who understand the challenges of living and working rurally. Taranaki Rural Support Trust is part of a nationwide network, working with you, for issues related to climate adverse event or onfarm technical support, finances, professional or personal relationships and physical or mental health.

Experienced farmer Facilitators throughout the region will walk beside you, supporting your need to put things back on track and improve outcomes for farm and family. 

Free and confidential help is available through the Trust's coordinator, and contact is one-on-one at a place that suits you.  




Email Us

Call Taranaki Rural Support Trust now on 0800 787 254

Then select option #2 , then option #1

Our People

Taranaki's Board consists of seven volunteer Trustees and one Associate Member.

The Trust has 25 volunteer Farmer-Facilitators across the region with experience and skills to support Adverse Events, Community Events and one-on-one support.

The Trust employs a Coordinator, Marcia Paurini (Coordinator@trst.org.nz) an Administrator, Jenni Busby (office.admin@trst.org.nz) and an Events Coordinator, Lizzy Waterson (lizzy.waterson@ruralsupport.org.nz)

Rural Riders all go for the 2024-2025 Season

Rural Riders all go for the 2024-2025 Season

2024-25 locations are here. Absolutely stoked to see this initiative heading into its fourth season. Starting November.

November 15, 2024 0 Comments
New events announced for "Checking-in" rural recovery project in the North Island

New events announced for "Checking-in" rural recovery project in the North Island

Several new ‘Checking-in’ events to support North Island rural communities impacted by last year’s adverse weather events have been announced for 2024.

February 12, 2024 0 Comments
Taranaki Rural Support Trust Facilitator & Dairy Farmer Belinda Price talks to REX (podcast)

Taranaki Rural Support Trust Facilitator & Dairy Farmer Belinda Price talks to REX (podcast)

Belinda shares her peronsal struggles with mental wellbeing, giving back via the Rural Support Trust, juggling the farm, kids, school holidays and finsihing off her 2021 Fonterra Dairy Women of the Year scholarship.

September 25, 2023 0 Comments
Five Ways, Five Days – Make it happen for you!

Five Ways, Five Days – Make it happen for you!

Just like physical health, we all need to actively look after our mental health. Mental Health Awareness week (18-24 September) is run each year by the Mental Health Foundation.  

September 18, 2023 0 Comments

Upcoming Local Events

Help and resources available to you...

Regional Links

Taranaki Regional Council

South Taranaki District Council

Stratford District Council

New Plymouth District Council

Taranaki Rural Support Trust Facebook page


Documents to support wellbeing

3 Most Important Words - Adam Piandes is 39, living on his parents couch "Breakdowns can create breakthroughs"

4 Taranaki Farmers share their journey  - The late John White, Mark Henderson, A J Clothier, John Herlihy share their stories of depression on-farm. 

5 Grief States - words and thoughts to help the stage of grief you are experiencing. 

5 ways to Wellbeing - 

7 tips for a good nights sleep

A Guide to Coping with Death and Grief

Anger within Depression and Practise of Self Compassion

Anxiety - symptoms and causes

Abusive Workplace - Its not okay to be yelled at or abused

A test for both depression and anxiety - John Kirwan's depression website. 

Bottled Up Pain doesn't go away - recommend this article by Jamie Allen,Taranaki Retreat

Burnout in the Digital Age - Insights on what burnout is, and how to balance workplace stress with career progression.

Diagnosing Depression - Good information in this UK site

Debt and Mental Health -  Debt is key source of stress and this UK site has good information

Depression - what do I say? What do I do? - how to help someone

How Dogs can Help with Mental Health

Marc Gascoignes Story of Depression

Match Fit - a TV3 documentary that explores topics of physical and mental health obstacles for retired All Blacks.

Mental Health Foundation - free resources (download) how to talk to youth about suicide 

Practical Financial Skills to Managing Money

Practical Tips following Suicide of loved one - practical support from Ministry of Youth 

Shearing for Michael - 20 minute interview with all those involved at the 24 hour shearathon raising awareness and money for Suicide 

Sleeping Well in the Digital Age - This resource highlights the correlation between light and the brain and how it negatively impacts sleep pattern

Substance Abuse and Suicide - resource with information about substance abuse, mental health issues, and suicide prevention.

Suicide survivors Stories - Gayle King of CBS This morning talks to 5 people who attempted suicide.  

Understanding Young Men's experience of Suicide - researcher Dr Chris Bowden interview.


0800 4 324 7969

Beef + Lamb NZ
0800 733 466

0508 467 869

NZ Young Farmers
0800 699 346

Federated Farmers
0800 327 646

Dairy Women's Network
0800 396 748

0800 482 463


0800 543 354 or 09 522 2999 or Free text 4357 (HELP)

0800 376 633

0800 726 666

Alcohol Drug Helpline
0800 787 797

Gambling Helpline
0800 654 655

Rural Women New Zealand
0800 256 467

Rural Employee Scheme
0800 694 121

Rural Support Trust NZ


We are a voluntary Charitable Trust and welcome donations to support Taranaki Rural Families.

You can make a donation to Taranaki Rural Support Trust:

TSB, New Plymouth Account : 15 3953 0644749 00

           Reference: Surname                 

Code: Contact Number       

If you would like a receipt for Tax purposes please email, with the name wanted on the receipt, by clicking here 

THANK YOU for your KIND donation

With thanks to our Principal Sponsors
Thanks to our Time Out Tour partners