September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month
One New Zealander dies every day from a gynaecological cancer.
Information supplied by the Talk Peach Gynaecological Foundation
Vaginal cancer is a rare cancer that's found anywhere in the vag1na.
The HPV vaccine can prevent the HPV responsible for most vaginal, vulval and cervical cancers.
Vaginal cancer can develop even if you have had a hysterectomy.
Signs and symptoms may include:
- pain in the pelvic area or rectum
- blood stained vaginal discharge
- a lump or itch in your vagina that won’t go
- bleeding between periods
- change in bowel habits
- blood in urine
- bleeding after sex
- pain during sex
- pain when peeing, or needing to pee a lot
- vaginal bleeding after the menopause
If you notice any changes to your body that aren't the norm for you and have persisted for 2 weeks please consult a medical professional.
See your GP or a gynaecologist if you notice any changes or experience any persistent symptoms that worry you.
Any changes should ALWAYS be investigated.