Animal welfare during flood events
Feed and water
If the water is not safe for you to drink, it is not safe for your animals.
Do not let animals drink flood water if possible since it may be contaminated. Make sure they have access to clean water.
Get water and feed to your animals as soon as possible.
Pasture and stored feed may be contaminated by flood water.
Feed out stored feed or supplementary feed. Prioritise feeding to high priority animals – high value stock or vulnerable stock (e.g. stock close to giving birth, young stock).
Transporting stock
Cows being fit for transport and correct supplementation will be critical.
What happens to farmland flooded by seawater?
There are things you can do if your property gets flooded with seawater. Find out about effects on soil and what you can do for your land and animals.
During and after a flood
Safety first
- Don't put yourself at risk from contaminated water, damaged roads, or landslides and other hazards.
- Look for and report broken power lines to your electricity provider. Treat all lines as live.
- Trees may be unstable due to saturated ground and high winds.
- Be conscious of security. Lock your car and house. Report suspicious activity to police.
Health and wellbeing
- Throw away food and water that has been contaminated by floodwater.
- Avoid drinking or preparing food with tap water until you are certain it is not contaminated.
- For disposal of hazardous waste, including farm chemicals, call EnviroWaste on 0800 00 06 11.
- Floodwaters can carry bugs that cause disease from the ground surface, septic tanks and sewerage systems.
Your property
- Report flooded homes and any need for temporary accommodation to your local council.
- Assess damage to water supply and reticulation systems. Which stock water troughs are contaminated with silt and will need cleaning?
- Assess damage to access lanes, tracks, gateways, culverts, and fences. What flood debris needs to be cleared?
- Assess damage to pastures and the depth and type of silt.
- Assess available non-flooded pastures and other unaffected feed reserves.
- Accept help when offered, and ask for it if you need it.
- Restoring a house after flood damage - for more information
If your are unsure where to start, we can supply you with free and confidential support and connect you with the services you need, whether financial, business or health-related.
Call now 0800 787 254 (RURAL HELP)